WWE: 10 Contenders For Bill Goldberg At WrestleMania 31

9. Ryback

Goldberg Ryback One of the most obvious contenders for Goldberg at WrestleMania 31 would be Ryback. While Ryback is not necesarilly a 'carbon copy' of Goldberg, it is self evident that his whole gimmick has been largely inspired by the WCW legend. However, despite early success in replicating Goldberg in defeating his opponents in 'squash matches', the WWE has seemingly decided to cool its push of Ryback by relegating him to the tag team division. From main event superstar to main event obscurity, what better way to rejuvenate the Ryback character than by having him collide with the original 'powerhouse blueprint' in Goldberg under the lights of WrestleMania 31. While a Ryback/Goldberg match up would be devoid of technical wrestling ability, it would definitely compensate for this by showcasing powerhouse wrestling in all its brutal glory. If promoted well, Ryback could walk out of WrestleMania 31 with a new found credibility to his 'powerhouse' gimmick and in the process reward fans with a match whereby in some ways it would seem that both competitors were wrestling a version of themselves. Overall if Ryback was the chosen opponent for Goldberg at WrestleMania 31, then hold on tight and expect a literal 'clash of the titans.'

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