10 Craziest Spots In WWE Backlash History

6. The Rock And Stone Cold Completely Demolish The Stage (1999)

Big Show Rey Mysterio Backlash 2003

All right, this is technically a bit of a cheat since this is more a collection of big spots than one individual highlight, but too damn bad. It was fantastic, and deserves to be talked about.

For the main event of the inaugural Backlash, The Rock and Stone Cold were set to continue one of the greatest rivalries ever. We'd already seen plenty of top-tier matches from these two, and were fresh off an excellent No DQ match between the two superstars at WrestleMania. How do you top that previous encounter?

Why, by using human bodies as wrecking balls and destroying every single structure in the damn building, of course!

More so than the Rock Bottom through the announce table, more so than the Stunner through the other announce table, this spot showcased the palpable animosity between the two top superstars in the company. They weren't just battling for a belt, they were rage fighting all of their anger and frustrations out.

Seriously, there were something like a dozen Irish Whips into large, steel objects, all of which came crashing down in a flurry of demolition. Because that's how you show true disdain for your coworker. Take note, people.


Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.