10 Craziest Spots In WWE Backlash History

7. Matt Hardy Flies Off The "Super Structure" (Backlash 2000)

Big Show Rey Mysterio Backlash 2003

As it turns out, 2000 was a pretty great year for Backlash, providing us with plenty of highlight reel-worthy moments.

During a six-way match for the Hardcore Championship, defending champ Crash Holly decides to escape his foes by climbing up the giant, swaying hook structure that was synonymous with Backlash for several years. Matt Hardy goes up after him, and the two traverse the unwieldy structure for a bit before Matt ultimately beats Crash down enough to get him back to the ground.

Which is too bad, because it seemed for a moment that we were going to see some crazy, huge maneuver performed off that big structure and OH DEAR LORD HE JUST SENT HIMSELF HURLING OFF THAT THING TOWARD THE GROUND NEVERMIND THEN.

It wasn't the prettiest aerial attack, nor did it contain much hang time, but it was a bold, mesmerising spot nonetheless.

In keeping with Matt's tradition as an underrated high flyer, however, this daredevil moment was almost completely lost to time. Due to some shoddy camerawork, we just barely catch his rapid descent onto the five other guys. Luckily, we saw enough of it to recognise that Jeff wasn't the only member of his family with a proclivity for making insanely bad decisions with his body.


Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.