10 Craziest Spots In WWE Backlash History

4. Double Rock Bottom Through The Announce Table (2000)

Big Show Rey Mysterio Backlash 2003

What's better than watching Triple H get Rock Bottomed through a table? Watching Shane McMahon get Rock Bottomed through that same table. At the same time. By the same person.

The Rock did not fail to deliver during his match with Triple H for the WWE Championship, giving us one of the most satisfying spots a WWE fan could hope to witness during the height of the McMahon-Helmsley regime.

Curiously enough, The Rock's finisher seems like it was one of the most consistently popular ways to drive another human being through the announce table during the Attitude Era. Maybe it was the efficiency and simplicity of the move that made it such a recurring spot. Or maybe The Rock just f*cking hates announce tables. Either way, it'd been done so many times by this point that it was only natural he'd want to add a new wrinkle to it.

Shane-O-Mac was the guest referee in charge of ensuring Trips a victory. Not only did he fail that mission, but he took the meaty brunt of a devastating Rock Bottom. Seriously, how the hell did he not crack a rib with Hunter's big ol' body coming down on him?


Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.