10 Craziest Spots In WWE Backlash History

3. Big Show Swings Rey Mysterio Like A Baseball Bat (2003)

Big Show Rey Mysterio Backlash 2003

Whatever you think of Big Show - as a character or as a performer - you have to admit that he can be one bad mama jamma when he wants to be. That has never been more evident than during his feud with the tiniest little nugget to ever hold the WWE Championship, Rey Mysterio.

After delivering one of the most frightening-looking chokeslams in recorded history, Mysterio is cared for by EMTs and put on a stretcher. But 'The Show' wasn't over.

Apparently dissatisfied with the fact that he hadn't actually murdered anyone that night, Show proceeds to pick the stretcher up, with Mysterio still attached, and swing him into the turnbuckle poll.

Much has been said about this stunt, especially concerning Show's reckless abandon in dropping an immobile Mysterio right on his damn face and the fact that Mysterio was pretty shaken up by it afterwards. And watching the spot back, it's hard to believe that the masked superstar didn't suffer some more serious trauma.

Luckily, he was left only with some big bruises and more than a little saltiness toward the giant who carelessly dropped him on his dome.


Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.