10 Craziest WWE Bumps Of All Time

9. Edge/Jeff Hardy (WrestleMania X-Seven)

Jeff Hardy Edge
WWE Network

At first glance, it's Jeff Hardy who got the worst of that Spear during the TLCII on WrestleMania X-Seven's undercard. Look again; a few cycles of the .gif reveal that Edge is equally blessed to have walked away unscathed. He could easily have shattered a wrist, thumped his face on the ring canvas or landed on his head.

The timing of both men had to be excellent there, and it was. Edge deserves a ton of credit for holding Hardy until they hit the deck (rather than releasing him early to save himself). There had to be some serious trust from Jeff towards his colleague that he wouldn't let go.

They pulled it off.

Again, much like Edge, Hardy could have been badly hurt had he not landed on his back. Even then, and with Edge's guidance to the mat, Jeff came close to careening out of control and crashing down neck first.

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Rey Mysterio
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