10 Craziest WWE Bumps Of All Time

3. Shane McMahon (WrestleMania 32)

Shane McMahon GIF
WWE Network

15 years after dropping a colossal leg drop on Big Show, Shane O'Mac was at it again, only this time he was trying an elbow drop on for size and jumping off Hell In A Cell. All in a day's work for Vinnie Mac's boy, it seems.

It was a toss up between this bump and the one Shane performed at Hell In A Cell 2017 against Kevin Owens for this spot on the list. In the end, the WrestleMania 32 one gets the nod because of the way the announce desk crumbled; watch front row fan footage of the HIAC bump to see McMahon's body roll off the table rather than destroy it.

He didn't have that kind of luck in Texas.

Indeed, the angle Shane hit the desk at caused it to break awkwardly and almost mean he elbow-dropped the arena floor. On top of that, his leg nearly hit the target first and sent him spinning backwards. Had that happened, McMahon's head might have struck the mats around ringside.

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Rey Mysterio
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