10 Craziest WWE Bumps Of All Time

4. Shane McMahon (Backlash 2001)

Shane McMahon Backlash 2001

Less than a year before this, Shane McMahon had taken a similar bump at SummerSlam 2000. The main difference between the two is that the one there (caused by Steve Blackman's kendo stick shots) was a back bump. At Backlash 2001, Shane was performing the biggest leg drop fans had ever witnessed.

Although the camera crew's wide shot of Shane's landing gave the game away that he and Big Show were lying on top of some serious padding, the stunt was still super-precarious and Shane had to have balls of steel.

Much like with Jeff Hardy's Swanton Bomb seven years later, McMahon had to stop and make sure he wasn't going to jump too far away from Show. In fact, it was important not to jump forwards at all so his momentum didn't carry him over the giant. It would not have been a surprise had Shane broken a leg.

As Jim Ross would sarcastically say, don't worry, these guys "know how to fall".

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Rey Mysterio
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