10 Craziest WWE TLC Moments Ever

2. Bubba And Matt Take A Dive (WrestleMania 17)

Although, in fairness, if you're gonna try and top Bubba's bump, having two guys make the fall instead is a pretty fair way to go. Poor Bubba D was this time joined by Matt Hardy, with the offending pusher being none other than Rhyno, who for some reason was running around as an enforcer for Edge and Christian. Ah well. At least he was still being treated like a bad ass. Anyway, there's little to say about this one except that it took the Bubba spot from the previous year's Summerslam and, quite literally, doubled its impact. It's incredible to think that this was ever allowed to happen in a WWE ring, and it's hard to argue that any fan would wish this kind of career-altering bump on any modern day superstar. Don't do it, lads. Seriously. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5LJm3ua_gcw
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