10 Crazy Gimmicks Wrestling's Top Stars Endured

8. DDP (Positively Page)

Give Diamond Dallas Page some credit, the guy enjoyed the idea of working in the then-WWF so much that he took quite the financial hit. Instead of sitting at home and collecting on a bumper pay out from AOL/Time Warner after WCW went to the wall, Page decided he'd rather lose some money and take the chance of making a splash in a company he'd always dreamed of wrestling in. Crash-landing in the WWF in the Summer of 2001, DDP was transformed from a much-loved man of the people into a complete and utter weirdo. The premise was simple, Page was so determined to make a name for himself that he started going after the biggest dog in the yard, The Undertaker. Sadly though, DDP was booked to stalk 'Taker's wife, Sara, and was then promptly squashed by The Deadman. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NV5431o6l9g Fast-forward a few months, and Page re-emerged, this time as 'Positively Page', a yoga-inspired chump who would smile sarcastically at the camera and annoy everyone with how overwhelmingly awesome he thought both he and life were. It was an interesting idea, but it was a far cry from what longtime WCW fans had expected when DDP worked for the McMahon family. The idea screamed 'heel', but Page was so hammy in the role that he did garner some cheers from the audience.
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.