10 Crazy Gimmicks Wrestling's Top Stars Endured

4. Goldust (Seven)

There's a rather unique story floating around that Dustin Runnels, who was performing as Goldust at the time, virtually begged Vince McMahon to let him get real breast implants, just to make a further splash as the oddball character. It's a relief that McMahon turned down the idea, because it could have been one Runnels would have lived to regret. Moving sideways to WCW in 1999, Runnels immediately took on a new character, known as Seven. In the first introductory vignettes for the gimmick, Seven was shown creepily standing in the window of a young child, something which didn't sit well with Ted Turner's media division. Shortly afterwards, Runnels was instructed to come to the ring as Seven, before denouncing the gimmick as stupid. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xgg7KzO9v10 Who can say if the gimmick would have been a success, because Runnels wasn't really given ample time to develop it, but it was certainly chilling. Instead, it was another victim of Russo's belief that wrestling fans wanted WCW to peel back the curtain fully. Runnels shot the character down, whilst dressed as it, inside the ring, and it was abandoned pretty quickly.
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