10 Crazy Recent WWE Pitches You Won’t Believe

Doink The Clown retreads, "severe depression" and Ric Flair wrestling WWE's women?!

Erick Rowan Doink The Clown

WWE can't put everything pitched on TV.

Can you imagine? Raw would be 87 hours long, and there'd definitely be countless complaints if some of the things you're about to read about here sneaked onto programming. One wrestler, for example, wanted to go into "a severe depression" and "get fat" after losing several bouts - that would never fly in 2022.

Another fancied tangling with the recently erm...retired Ric Flair in an inter-gender match that even Vince McMahon wouldn't touch. Then, there were pitches for (amongst other things) dolls being kidnapped, a Doink The Clown in ECW retread, wrestlers working double duty on Raw and SmackDown under different guises and more.

Oh, and someone thought becoming the "BBQ Guys" was a surefire recipe for success in the tag-team division. That worker is no longer on the roster, so his BBQ dreams have been shattered. His old partner is busy doing other things anyway.

You won't believe some of these creative reaches, to be honest. One of them could've ended in disaster live on pay-per-view earlier this month. There was no way Triple H was giving it the green light...

10. Alexa Bliss Sees Lilly Get Kidnapped

Erick Rowan Doink The Clown

WWE's bid to make Lilly their very own Annabelle was guff.

It made Shayna Baszler look like an absolute moron for both addressing and running away from inanimate toy dolls, and it wasn't long before the promotion gave up on lil' Lilly entirely. Or maybe not. In July, reports surfaced that writers jotted down a plan to have somebody kidnap the doll.

This, apparently, would've been the start of a company-wide search for poor wee Lilly. Meanwhile, a distressed Alexa Bliss would be shown pleading for the perpetrator to step forward and return her childhood bestie before anymore harm was done.

WWE didn't go with this story, but announcer Corey Graves did hint that Asuka was going to turn heel and kidnap Lilly by saying she needed "to recapture her old ruthlessness" again. Would a rogue Asuka kidnapping dolls have actually worked? No, probably not.

It's for the best that this one was scrapped from booking sheets.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.