10 Crazy Recent WWE Pitches You Won’t Believe

5. Erick Rowan Almost Becomes Doink In ECW

Erick Rowan Doink The Clown

OK, so this is just bizarre.

Again, time to stretch the rules just a little, 'cause this Erick Rowan idea did technically make it to TV for a few short minutes. He showed up on the 17 May 2017 edition of Talking Smack and scared the living sh*te out of Renee Young and Shane McMahon by acting all intense and menacing.

Rowan pulled his old 'white sheep' mask out of a bag, but revealed that he'd painted a happy clown face on it. According to Rowan in interviews, this was his bid to work a split personality gimmick that was equal parts Doink The Clown's 'Borne Again' persona in ECW and Bray Wyatt's 'Fiend' offshoot.

WWE had The Bludgeon Brothers tag-team lined up for Erick though, so they certainly weren't about to budge and let him keep on keeping on as a split personality clown who acted differently depending on what he was wearing.

Did this inspire Bray's own booking? It's possible.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.