10 Crazy Recent WWE Pitches You Won’t Believe

6. Sami Zayn Working Two Gimmicks

Erick Rowan Doink The Clown
By Tabercil (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0)], via Wikimedia Commons

Admittedly, this is going back a bit and stretching the "recent" theme. However, within the past 5 years counts as "recent", right? Right?! Regardless, this is worth talking about and would've been special had WWE's decision-makers been interested in what Road Dogg had to say.

The DX man pitched to have Sami Zayn play his WWE-created gimmick on one show, then don a mask as ROH favourite El Generico on the other brand. As you'd expect, Vince McMahon was horrified by the notion that anybody would want to watch a lucha star who was literally called "The Generic", so he turned it down flat.

Roadie was disappointed, Sami was disappointed...we were all disappointed.

Zayn would've been on SmackDown, whereas Generico would've torn it up in-ring on Raw. That's what Road Dogg wanted to try out, but McMahon wouldn't budge and thought it was a silly idea that no-one would be interested in.

What a pity.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.