10 Crazy Swerves Wrestlers Pulled To Win Titles

1. Congratulations, It's A...Title Change

FTR liucha

Mike and Maria Kanellis came to WWE as a duo with promise. Both had proven themselves as assets in Ring of Honor, and CFO$ had given them a killer entrance song that was as catchy as it was cringe-y. The husband and wife team could've been a solid midcard act, but it was not to be. Maria was soon humiliating her husband at any opportunity and infamously threatening to kick him in his vagina.

The record books will show on a glance that both Mike and Maria's peak in WWE was capturing the 24/7 Championship, yet, they were also responsible for the most unique championship change in WWE history.

While taking advantage of your wife during a gynaecology appointment would be heinous under usual circumstances, Maria loaded on the obnoxiousness, screaming "pregnant champ" all over the waiting room and ranting about her and her unborn child being a "trailblazer".

Mike waited until his wife was on the bed and her legs in stirrups, until his supportive hug was accompanied by three loud thuds. Mike celebrated as the gynaecologist was revealed to be a referee in disguise. Nevertheless, seconds later, Mike fell victim to a swerve as R-Truth in pregnant lady drag rolled him up for the strap.

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An English Lit. MA Grad trying to validate my student debt by writing literary fiction and alternative non-fiction.