10 Crazy Swerves Wrestlers Pulled To Win Titles

2. Crashed Dreams

The Hardcore Championship and its 24/7 rule was one of the most left-field yet beloved creative choices of the Attitude Era. It gave fans many moments of utter chaos that helped foster the anything-can-happen, must-see-TV of the boom period. It also gave the history books 52 champions and 240 reigns between November 1998 and August 2002.

The title was defended in airports, rivers, circuses, and all kinds of fantastical locations. However, one swerve was genius in its simplicity, involving the odd duo of Crash Holly and Gerald Brisco.

As Crash slept after tirelessly defending the strap, Brisco and a whispering referee crept into the APA's office, even the commentary team played along with hushed tones. The stooge scored a pin with a single hand on Holly's chest. This was followed by the most subdued moment of triumph in WWE history, which Brisco was forced to cut short when the referee tripped over a poker table.

For Brisco's sins, he was forced to face off against his long-time ally Pat Patterson in a Hardcore Evening Gown match (King of the Ring 2000), with an interfering Crash taking his prize back.

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An English Lit. MA Grad trying to validate my student debt by writing literary fiction and alternative non-fiction.