10 Crazy Swerves Wrestlers Pulled To Win Titles

5. Giant Contract Fine-Print

FTR liucha

WCW earned its reputation as the Bizarro World of pro-wrestling; left was right, up was down, items were on top of poles. While every week seemed to come with its own shocking swerve, one stands head and shoulders above the rest (and not just because it centred around The Giant).

At Halloween Havoc 1995, WCW Champion Hulk Hogan and The Giant faced-off twice. The first saw the two compete in a Sumo Monster Truck match which took place on top of Cobo Hall (now known as the TCF Center). After Hogan won the unique bout, a tussle resulted in The Giant falling off the building and Hogan calling for help. Despite this the two were inexplicably back to clash in the night's main event.

The Giant still challenging for the championship was the first swerve, appearing just as Hogan was apologising for his part in the colossal fall. The match was a plodding affair, spiced up with Jimmy Hart attacking the referee and turning on Hogan, Randy Savage and Lex Luger making the save only for Luger to turn heel, and the appearance of The Yeti.

The Giant was ruled the winner by disqualification, with it being later revealed that Hart had added a clause to the match contract stipulating that the title could change hands via DQ.

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An English Lit. MA Grad trying to validate my student debt by writing literary fiction and alternative non-fiction.