10 Crazy Swerves Wrestlers Pulled To Win Titles

3. Getting Blood From A Stone Cold

FTR liucha

While the legendary Mankind vs. The Undertaker Hell in a Cell bout stole the show at King of the Ring 1998, it was not the night's main event. That honour went to Kane and Stone Cold Steve Austin who competed in a First Blood match with Austin's WWF Championship on the line. However, this was not convoluted or extreme enough to satisfy Attitude Era booking, leading to an added stipulation that Kane would set himself on fire if he was defeated.

It became apparent to viewers, even before Jerry Lawler spelled it out, that Kane's gear left no exposed flesh (save for his left hand). The Women's De-Evolution had yet to popularise the ripping off of clothes during wrestling bouts.

Although getting creative with ring gear is not against the rules, it is a cheap way to take the win. Regardless, fans were treated to the added swerves of the cell lowering down during the bout, an unconscious referee, and interference from The Undertaker and (somehow) Mankind.

After Mankind ducked an attempted chair-shot from 'Taker, Austin ended up wearing a crimson mask in time for a dazed Earl Hebner to ring the bell. All this for Kane to enjoy a one-day reign.

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An English Lit. MA Grad trying to validate my student debt by writing literary fiction and alternative non-fiction.