10 Crazy Weird Pro Wrestling Stories You Won't Believe

2. Jake Roberts Took The Undertaker Under His Wing

The Undertaker has been one of the most enduring characters in wrestling history, running for almost 25 years. That's an incredible stat, but upon his arrival in the then-WWF of 1990, Mark Calaway was more interested in latching himself on to an established name who could show him a good time on the road. Approaching Jake Roberts, Calaway said he had heard Roberts was the man to talk to about boozing and hitting the strip clubs. Telling his new friend that he was absolutely right, Roberts pretty much took The Undertaker under his wing, and the pair started to travel together on the road. One hilarious anecdote from Roberts tells of a time when 'Taker didn't even need the pasty white makeup which was a trademark of his early years, because he had been out so often drinking with Jake, and wasn't exactly looking healthy. These are the kinds of stories which wrestling fans don't hear so much about with the current roster, and it's remarkable to think that The Undertaker was looking like a zombie even without the theatrical makeup, due to his friendship with Jake Roberts!
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.