10 Crazy Weird Pro Wrestling Stories You Won't Believe

10. Vince McMahon Finds Nothing Funnier Than Chimps

According to Chris Jericho, it's a wonder that fans haven't seen a plethora of primates invading WWE television, because Vince McMahon thinks monkeys are the funniest things going. This isn't an article all about how the owner of World Wrestling Entertainment respects the gorilla, because he views himself as a human version of the hulking animal, this is one of the biggest stars in wrestling history stating that his boss gets a kick out of chimpanzees. It's a curious thing to hear, that McMahon digs monkeys, and it's almost a surprise that one wasn't plucked from the jungle, trained to be a wrestler, and then handed the WWE Cruiserweight Title towards the end of the belt's tenure. In fact, there was a time when none other than Bob Holly was going to change his name from 'Hardcore' to 'Spacecore' Holly, being accompanied by a monkey (in a space suit, no less) to the ring as his valet. Absolutely no doubt about it, that chimp would have won gold had the idea went through. It sounds utterly ludicrous to type, but there's a case to be made that WWE would have at least booked Holly and his primate friend in a tag-team match, just because Vince gets such a kick out of the creatures.
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Psycho Sid
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.