10 Crazy Weird Pro Wrestling Stories You Won't Believe

9. Chris Benoit Makes Daivari Pay For Disrespect

Making his debut alongside the controversial Muhammad Hassan character in 2004, Shawn 'Khosrow' Daivari was hurled right in at the deep end of WWE storytelling, portrayed as an Arab-American who was sick of being held down by the Western culture, vowing to make the US pay for their bigoted views. Needless to say, things got out of hand once a group of disguised men attacked The Undertaker on an episode of Smackdown, strangling the Phenom with what appeared to be piano wire, and carting Daivari off like a martyr of war. The Hassan gimmick was nixed, and Daivari was quickly moved on to other things, incredibly going on to manage Kurt Angle. Perhaps due to his quick ascent up the WWE totem pole, Daivari supposedly had quite the ego, disrespecting veteran performers such as Shawn Michaels. This didn't sit well with another stalwart, Chris Benoit, who apparently made Daivari perform anywhere between 500-1000 squats, matching him with each exercise. Even the fact Daivari urinated blood the next day didn't stop the punishment, and Benoit made the young upstart do even more squats the next time he met him.
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Psycho Sid
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.