10 Crazy WWE Stunts (And How They Did Them)

1. Stone Cold's Forklift Revenge

Kane Chyna

Do you remember that brief period at the height of the Monday Night Wars when professional wrestling was absolutely obsessed with car-based stunts? You had WCW's monster truck matches, WWE with its milk float, Austin getting ran over by Rikishi...

Arguably the coolest of these spots, however, came at Survivor Series 2000, when Triple H's car was raised about 20 feet in the air - still with The Game in the driver's seat (OK, not really) - by a forklift-wielding Stone Cold, and then dropped onto the concrete below.

The explanation for this one seems, once again, to be that parts of the segment were pre-recorded, specifically the close-up shots of the two wrestlers at the beginning, and the sounds of HHH pleading for mercy (which are awfully clear and crisp, given he's nowhere near a microphone).

Having gone to such elaborate lengths, you might presume the company would be keen on selling the Cerebral Assassin's injuries in the months (and perhaps years) ahead. Well, think again: he was back on Monday Night Raw a couple of weeks later without a scratch. That's Triple H for you.

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