10 Crazy WWE Stunts (And How They Did Them)

2. Kane's Limo Accident

Limousine-related continuity errors ruined another spectacular WWE stunt in October of 2003, when Shane McMahon lured Kane into the backseat of a car before putting a plank of wood on its accelerator and sending it crashing into a production truck.

Here's the problem: in the build-up, the Big Red Machine smashes one of the back windows and the sunroof as he tries to attack his opponent. These windows are then magically repaired in the shot of the limo hurtling towards its target.

We must conclude, therefore, that rather than Kane being invincible, this stunt involved the use of another pre-recorded clip, and the two wrestlers were actually watching the carnage unfold safely from behind the camera (probably sharing a bite to eat).

It makes you wonder what else from Shane and Kane's feud wasn't real. Did the former really get his testicles electrocuted? Did the latter actually get drop-kicked into a flaming dumpster? Is anything real?
