10 Criminally Low WWE PPV Buyrates

9. Bragging Rights 2010 - (137,000 Buys)

Being honest, there are few pro wrestling fans who would agree that Bragging Rights was ever a good idea. Maybe if the show had been held earlier in the year, perhaps in May or June, it would have been acceptable, but scheduling the PPV to take place in October, just one month before Survivor Series, was sheer lunacy. The basic premise of Bragging Rights was that two teams would face off, one representing Raw and the other decked out in the colours of Smackdown. By 2010, the brand extension wasn't really at its most potent, so the concept didn't really work, and that fact is evidenced by the low buyrate the show received. Admittedly, in 2009 Bragging Rights pulled a decent number for what is largely a throwaway, "filler" Pay-Per-View. 181,000 customers was a respectable amount, but that dropped off quickly for the 2010 edition, which shed as much as 44,000 viewers to land on the 137,000 mark. Again, promoting a team-based match just one month before your traditional team-based Pay-Per-View is mind boggling, but somebody at WWE headquarters felt this was a wise move. They were shown up to be wrong, very wrong, and fans haven't seen the Bragging Rights idea since.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.