10 Criminally Under-Rated Wrestlers

6. Samoa Joe

Samoa Joe is a strange kettle of fish: rarely does he seem to validate his position on the TNA roster, and more often than not the man cuts a beleaguered figure, almost as though he's longing for what might have been. Has time started to pass Joe by or does he have more in his tank? There's an argument to be made that TNA are hardly giving him the opportunities he deserves, but then perhaps they too are disenchanted with the man's up-and-down weight, disinterested aura and apparent dis-satisfaction with whatever he's asked to do. Recently turning heel in TNA won't change things; Joe needs a fresh outlook. WWE is out of the question but maybe Japan could breathe new life into the big Samoan because when he's motivated, he's one of the best big men in wrestling.
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.