10 Criminally Under-Rated Wrestlers

5. Frankie Kazarian

As a singles wrestler, Kazarian was regarded as little more than a decent mechanic, even in TNA. It was when the man began teaming with close friend Christopher Daniels that things started to get really interesting. 'Bad Influence' was one hell of a team and a highlight of Impact Wrestling between 2012-2014. Kazarian had never been given a chance to show his personality like he was when teaming with Daniels and the result was that he surprised many by just how accomplished a talker he is. Since leaving TNA last year, Frankie has hit the US independent scene hard and even made an appearance in ROH. He's another example of somebody who will likely never get that big WWE contract or major break as a headliner in a major company and who is often overlooked when fans talk about the best wrestlers around.
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.