10 @CrrankyVince Tweets You Hope Weren't Based On Real Life

2. Luck Of The Draw

https://twitter.com/CrrankyVince/status/247499375100715008 WWE fans have long suspected that, contrary to what Vince McMahon may tell people, the company doesn't always have a long term plan for what's going to happen next. Evidence of this can be pulled from the way angles are suddenly stopped or changed with little explanation, and the same can be said for pushes - the start/stop booking mentality has arguably done more harm than good for many on the roster. One week, Vince McMahon seems really high on a performer, then - even as quickly as one week later - they're staring at the lights randomly, with little rhyme or reason. A classic example of this is Zack Ryder, who was pushed solely through his own initiative. Crafting an endearing persona via YouTube, Ryder connected with the fans, who then wished to see more of him on television. As a result, it seemed for all the world like WWE were pushing the guy out of spite, which isn't exactly a recipe for success. It was only a matter of months before cracks started to show in his star power, mainly due to him being booked as a floundering, bumbling idiot, one so unlikeable that his momentum was irreparably damaged. The reasons for this start/stop way of doing things is confusing, because it doesn't really harness an environment where every wrestler has equal opportunity to get themselves over.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.