10 @CrrankyVince Tweets You Hope Weren't Based On Real Life

9. Who's This Guy?

https://twitter.com/CrrankyVince/status/321452142093271041 A theme of the Cranky Vince accounts is claiming to not know who the crowd are chanting for. Obviously, Vince McMahon knows who 'Macho Man' Randy Savage is, the guy is about to be inducted into the WWE Hall Of Fame, for example, but it's still hilarious to picture McMahon frantically running around backstage at Monday Night Raw, furious at the crowd for chanting about someone he isn't familiar with. The old familiar pot shot is taken at TNA, a company which WWE claim isn't competition (even though they're in the same industry), and one they refuse to acknowledge, even when stars enter the company after an extended stay in Orlando (such as Christian). Wrestling fans have started chanting for people not involved in the match they're watching more as the years progress, and it's not only limited to guys like Savage. On more than one occasion, the audience have started chanting the name of the announcers, which is either a damning verdict on their attention spans, or a critical sign that the grapplers in the ring aren't as over as WWE would like.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.