10 Current MMA Fighters Who Could Jump To Professional Wrestling
1. Conor McGregor
He's already one of the biggest names in UFC history. He's already got a top-class promo. The Notorious One has the left hand of a champion boxer, but the heart of a heel wrestler.
Few people in combat sports have been able to write their own tickets like Conor McGregor has. Even fewer have been able to maintain such a rabid fanbase despite some losses in the octagon. Recently, McGregor has added some muscle to his frame in anticipation of a run in the UFC Welterweight Division. Should it not work out, that extra size would serve him well as trash-talking wrestling heel.
There's no need to devise a backstory. McGregor's real life rap sheet speaks for itself. He comes off like a rich, cocky, entitled punk who scoffs at consequence.
With some solid training under a good coach, "Notorious" would be a plug and play wrestler. He already excels in the areas that are tough to teach: Psychology, presentation and self-promotion. Add in a couple of up-and-coming talent with Conor as the mouthpiece and you may have a hot wrestling stable.
Fantasy Match: "The Notorious" Conor McGregor vs. CM Punk. Punk could have a good match with a broomstick. Give him Conor and a few weeks to build heat. Goosebumps.