10 Current MMA Fighters Who Could Jump To Professional Wrestling

1. Conor McGregor

He's already one of the biggest names in UFC history. He's already got a top-class promo. The Notorious One has the left hand of a champion boxer, but the heart of a heel wrestler.

Few people in combat sports have been able to write their own tickets like Conor McGregor has. Even fewer have been able to maintain such a rabid fanbase despite some losses in the octagon. Recently, McGregor has added some muscle to his frame in anticipation of a run in the UFC Welterweight Division. Should it not work out, that extra size would serve him well as trash-talking wrestling heel.

There's no need to devise a backstory. McGregor's real life rap sheet speaks for itself. He comes off like a rich, cocky, entitled punk who scoffs at consequence.

With some solid training under a good coach, "Notorious" would be a plug and play wrestler. He already excels in the areas that are tough to teach: Psychology, presentation and self-promotion. Add in a couple of up-and-coming talent with Conor as the mouthpiece and you may have a hot wrestling stable.

Fantasy Match: "The Notorious" Conor McGregor vs. CM Punk. Punk could have a good match with a broomstick. Give him Conor and a few weeks to build heat. Goosebumps.


George is a life-long fan of genre, wrestling and guitars. He is an actor, writer, CrossFit trainer and former WWE storyline writer. He currently works as talent development for PWX wrestling and resides in the birthplace of the zombie movie, Pittsburgh, PA.