10 Current Wrestling Heels That Are Impossible To Truly Hate

9. Johnny Gargano


For three years, the story of Johnny Gargano was driving NXT. The storyline was perfectly crafted and built to the ultimate crescendo at NXT Takeover: New York. From there, the story got a bit muddled and eventually led to Johnny's heel turn at NXT Takeover: Portland. It seemed a strange choice to turn one of the most likeable babyfaces on the roster heel, but it has worked wonders.

The former NXT Champion has gone all out with his darker persona. He is loud, cartoonish and charismatic. He comes across as a character in a GOOD Ben Stiller film, which is not the way audiences thought he would go when he turned on Ciampa.

The pairing of Johnny Gargano and Candice LeRae is perfect. their real-life chemistry translates into dynamic on-screen chemistry. They play off each other so well and are probably the best on-screen couple that the company has seen in years.

Their relationship doesn't define their characters, it only adds to their personalities. Both superstars are great in their own right, but "Johnny Wrestling's" performance has been outstanding in 2020.

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Horror fanatic, exhausted wrestling fan and die hard Brendan Fraser stan.