10 Current WWE GOATs

7. Greatest Company Man: John Cena

Daniel Bryan GOAT

"Greatest company man" seems like the kind of award WWE would make up as an excuse to shower John Cena with praise without upsetting Hulk Hogan or The Rock - but it is kind of real as well.

In essence, it refers to a wrestler who gives their all to the WWE cause. They never miss any shows for which they're needed - not unless they're either injured or off on a promotional excursion that will ultimately bring the company more exposure - and when they are in the ring, you can guarantee they will give 100%.

The fact is that while Cena may not have the drawing power of Hogan, Rock, or Stone Cold - guys to whom nobody in today's era can possibly compare - he does have one massive thing over them: longevity. He's been at the top for more than a decade, and fought over 1,000 WWE matches during that time.

Nobody can really lay claim to that sort of record, and even if you don't think he's worthy of the mantle of all-time best, he's certainly one of the most loyal and hard-working employees Vince McMahon has ever had. And, let's be honest: there will be plenty of tears shed on the part of the fans when he calls it a day.

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Daniel Bryan
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