10 Current WWE Observations From A Lapsed Fan

1. There's Way Too Much Content

Generally speaking, WWE throw a lot at their fan base, and it's genuinely difficult to find the time to consume everything there is on the menu. Not only are there main shows such as Monday Night Raw and Smackdown, but then there are smaller broadcasts like Superstars and Main Event, joined by the critically-acclaimed NXT program and a whole host of videos available at the click of a button on both YouTube and the WWE Network. The volume of wrestling fans can consume weekly is at an all-time high, but there's a problem there, it's all very much the same thing. Sure, the Network means people can dive back in time to a period when things were different, but WWE's main original output has a samey look, mood and presence, something which can often make it mind-numbing to try and stay on top of all of it. For the average person, 3 hours of Monday Night Raw would be enough, but there's so much more out there, and it all has too similar an ambience at times. Maybe mixing things up a little would help, maybe it wouldn't, but do WWE really need quite as much content? Sometimes, less can be more, leaving people enthused to keep watching, rather than constantly feeling like they're struggling to keep up. What other observations do you think lapsed fans would make upon viewing WWE again? What do you make of the points raised in this article? Let us know your thoughts down in the comments section below!
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.