10 Current WWE Observations From A Lapsed Fan

3. Is Seth Rollins Supposed To Be Triple H's Boy?

Seth Rollins has excelled at absolutely everything WWE have placed before him, and even to first-time viewers of his skills, it's clear that he's a very accomplished pro wrestler. The man can talk, he has a swagger about him and his in-ring performances are invariably awesome, which almost sounds like Triple H circa 1999/2000. It seems clear that WWE's creative team are enjoying the idea that fans are making links between both men, because the general idea is that Rollins will appear a bigger star if people start to think of him as being a modern-day version of 'The Game'. Allowing Seth to use The Pedigree is another step towards this premise, even if his delivery of the move isn't quite there yet. Making associations such as this is perfect, and exactly what WWE should be doing more of. There's been a problem with the promotion's approach to making new stars over the past 5-10 years, they haven't really allowed the men and women they want to make a jump up the ladder to do so at the expense of those who they want to take a step down.
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.