10 Current WWE Superstars Who Should Adopt A Legend’s Finishing Move

9. Baron Corbin – Ankle Lock

Moves Recycled

Used by: Kurt Angle

As much as we want to forget that Corbin was the one to retire Angle, we can't. So Corbin may as well get something tangible out of the biggest win of his career. Adding the Ankle Lock to his arsenal would serve as a constant reminder that Corbin is a top heel whether fans like it or not.

Corbin is one of several wrestlers on this list to only have one finishing move and could therefore use another. The End Of Days is a sound enough throw and he lacks submissions, so the Ankle Lock is favoured over the Angle Slam. Ken Shamrock popularised the Ankle Lock and it has been utilised by many wrestlers since, but the move is still most often associated with Kurt Angle. Given that this move is usually given to those with a legitimate wrestling background, it would also be fun to see Corbin play up his grappling experience.


Really wants to talk about terrible comedies and pro wrestling.