10 Current WWE Superstars Who Should Adopt A Legend’s Finishing Move

3. Demon King Bálor - Poison Mist

Moves Recycled

Used by: The Great Muta

... and also Tajiri.

While not technically a finishing move in its own right, the Poison Mist (or Asian Mist) is still essentially a match winner when used discreetly and followed up by any number of other moves. Back in the Attitude Era, the Mist was often used by Tajiri for comedic purposes, but the illegal move has a long Japanese history dating back to The Great Kabuki. Finn Bálor could tap into this history while in his demon persona.

One of the main criticisms of Bálor's demon form is that he uses almost exactly the same moves as regular Bálor. Adding the Poison Mist would make the demon move-set more unique and infinitely more exciting. Aesthetically, the Mist is a good fit and the poison aspect actually connects with the Balor from Irish Mythology, whose eye was said to be poisonous. What's more, different mist colours can mean different things. The vision obscuring green mist is most common, but there is also red mist to burn, yellow mist to paralyse, black mist to really blind and so on. There are just so many different ways it can be used.

The Mist would be best debuted when Demon King Bálor is on the back foot. Perhaps when he is vulnerable to, say, The Fiend. If fantasy booking is to be believed and Bálor is set to be destroyed by Bray Wyatt at SummerSlam and then invoke the demon upon his return, this would be an excellent time for Poison Mist. Alternatively, it would be a good way to make the face-paint feel more dangerous again after the demon is handed his first loss.


Really wants to talk about terrible comedies and pro wrestling.