10 Current WWE Superstars Who Should Adopt A Legend’s Finishing Move

2. Samoa Joe - Super Samoan Drop

Moves Recycled

Used by: Umaga

As good as the Coquina Clutch is, you feel that Samoa Joe needs something else now if he's going to break out of this big match losing streak. Whether WWE have actually banned the Muscle Buster or not is up for debate, but either way Joe's not using it so how about something else?

There aren't many moves similar to the Muscle Buster or as visually striking, but The Super Samoan Drop comes pretty close. A pop-up variation of the regular Samoan Drop, when executed well, is a stunning finish. Just watch the first few seconds of the video below. Obviously not everyone on the roster will be able to take the move quite like that but it would be a good way for Joe to establish his dominance over smaller wrestlers.

The move could be introduced with little fanfare or explanation. Samoa Joe has Samoa in his name after all.


Really wants to talk about terrible comedies and pro wrestling.