10 Current WWE Wrestlers Most Likely To Leave For AEW

5. The Revival (Dash Wilder And Scott Dawson)

Potential AEW Superstars

The so-called 'Top Guys' in WWE, Dash Wilder and Scott Dawson are capable of putting on excellent tag team spectacles, whether there are championships on the line or not. Ever since they were called up to the main roster in 2017, however, the team has not had the best of luck with their booking.

The pair were unlucky with injuries, with Wilder suffering a broken jaw against the Hardy Boyz and then, shortly after their return, Dawson suffered a ruptured bicep and caused the team to be on hiatus for a further five months. Without the time to work a successful storyline, The Revival has been reduced to sitting on the sidelines and having comedic programs with The Usos.

After unsuccessfully challenging for the Raw Tag Team Championships at the end of 2018, the pair requested their formal leave from WWE and demanded that their contracts be terminated. This obvious displeasure from the team illustrates the poor booking that they have received since being called up from NXT, and it shows that the creative team do not quite understand their characters or how to use them.

A well-needed change of direction would bring new purpose to 'The Revival' and see them become much more entertaining.

AEW could give the 'Top Guys' the opportunity to represent tag team wrestling around the world and show their true expertise.

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A freelance writer with an avid interest for film, tv and professional wrestling.