10 Current WWE Wrestlers Most Likely To Leave For AEW

2. Apollo Crews

Potential AEW Superstars

A superstar that has much more talent than he is able to showcase on many shows is Apollo Crews. You would be forgiven for assuming that Apollo is one of the top performers on WWE programming, as his obvious stature and physicality ought to cement him as a main event superstar in WWE.

Unfortunately for Crews, he has had a difficult time of things during his stint in the company. With a poor storyline as the muscle of 'Titus Worldwide', Apollo Crews has been mostly underwhelming during his time on the main roster. Several Intercontinental title bouts against The Miz and Dean Ambrose have shown the skill that Crews holds and the heights that he can reach when he is given appropriate time to perform on a big stage.

Crews is deceptively talented; at six feet tall and 240 lbs, he can also pull off various top rope maneuvres and entertain crowds with his impressive performances. However, Apollo's time in WWE has been disappointingly sub-par, with pay-per-view pre-show matches and mundane Raw bouts against the likes of Kalisto and Tyler Breeze.

A move to AEW for Apollo Crews would allow him to show off his raw talent and athleticism in front of a new crowd and a new fanbase. A breath of fresh air is needed for Crews, in order for him to reach the upper echelon in sports entertainment, and that could be his arrival in AEW.

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A freelance writer with an avid interest for film, tv and professional wrestling.