10 Devastating Finishing Moves By Terrible Wrestlers

7. Matt Morgan (The Mount Morgan Drop)

Also known as the Hellevator during his other stints in to professional wrestling organisations not called WWE, Matt Morgan possessed an absolutely devastating finisher which was essentially a vertical side suplex slam. It can be seen in the below video at the 2 minutes and 8 seconds mark. However, there's a sort of reverse version of the move earlier in the match at the 1 minute 46 seconds mark, where he scoops his opponent up and smashes then face down in to the mat. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q1982B6xeUo It's just a shame he was a garbage wrestler with a ridiculous gimmick - he was basically a big man with a stuttering speech impediment that he was incredibly defensive over.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.