10 Most Devastating WWE Neck Injuries

Many of which changed careers.

€œIf you€™ve lived in a cave for the last 50 years, you probably think it€™s real. But it€™s not, sorry.€ €”Brock Lesnar This, of course, was a comment made by Lesnar ahead of UFC 141 regarding the ever-questioned legitimacy of professional wrestling. And though there may indeed be some elements of truth behind those words he spoke, they are not entirely accurate. Outcomes may be predetermined, sequences may be choreographed, and Jim Ross may well have a point when he suggests that the closed fist exposes the business€”but not all of pro wrestling is €œfake€. In fact, there€™s one facet of the profession that is well and truly legit; the risk of serious injury. Just as the WWE has propagated for so many years, €œYes, this is entertainment€”but the hazards are real€. And perhaps the most notorious hazard that has plagued many a WWE superstar is the dreaded and crippling neck injury. Given its role in protecting the nerves that carry sensory and motor information from the brain to the body, damage to the neck can be life-changing. Obviously no injury is a welcome one, but it€™s lasting effects€” and lengthy list of victims€”mean that the neck injury may well be the worst of the lot. This article takes a look back at some of the most devastating neck injuries in WWE history, many of which have changed careers forever. Note: It is acknowledged that all injuries€”particularly those of the neck€”are indeed severe, and thus no disrespect is intended by the rankings on this list. Factors that have been considered in the assembly of this top-ten list include the length of time spent out of action and the ultimate consequences of the injury itself.
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