10 Directions WWE Can Go After Battleground 2015

6. Introduce More Tag Teams To The Title Picture

The Prime Time Players are benefitting too much from their feud with The New Day to bring the programme to a premature close, while the heel trio have improved immeasurably since banding together. They play off one another so well, it would be a shame to already subject them to a Shield-esque betrayal and breakup. Just look at Xavier Woods screaming about Big E.'s in-ring use of "tricep meat" for evidence of how much fun they, and the crowd, are having. Rather than blow off the feud for good at SummerSlam, it would be more shrewd for the WWE to delay proceedings by introducing new teams to the title scene. The undercard is teeming with underused workers desperate for a storyline to fall their way, and tag teams can often provide a much-needed boost. The Prime Time Players would come across as fighting champions ready to take on all comers, while the New Day are entertaining enough to clash with pretty much anybody on the roster.
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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.