10 Most Disgusting WWE Promotional Tactics Ever

5. Using Paul Bearer's Death In Undertaker/CM Punk Storyline

Paul Bearer passed away on March 5, 2013, which was about one month before WrestleMania 29. The matchup at WrestleMania saw The Undertaker face CM Punk and to nobody's surprise, WWE used Bearer's death in the storyline. Punk, as the devious heel, gained possession of the urn that was symbolic of Bearer because he carried it around so many years. They even went as far as to After WWE used Bearer in their storylines, his son Michael Moody had this to say: "If anyone is wondering, yes WWE did come to us wanting approval for tonight's storyline. The way it was presented to us was ok. Seeing it on screen was a different story. I don't even know what to say." The next morning, Michael had this to say about it in a message distributed by WWE: "Hey. I woke up in time to watch the tail end of the show. What you explained would happen happened. Which is fine. Just it was a little difficult to watch it play out. I put a message on Facebook last night saying that we approved it but it wasn't what I envisioned. That I didn't have anything to say. Well woke up this morning and that quote is being used all over media outlets. For the record. I was fine with it. Was hard to watch but y'all are professionals and I trust." Bearer was inducted into WWE's Hall of Fame by his sons Michael and Daniel. On an unrelated note, Michael passed away in September of this year. Our condolences to the Moody family for the losses they've suffered in the past couple of years. WWE may have gotten permission from Paul Bearer's children and thought it was right to include in a storyline, but it really wasn't necessary. It made things uncomfortable to watch at times knowing this man passed away and then his death was being used in a storyline. It was tough to watch.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.