10 Most Disgusting WWE Promotional Tactics Ever

6. Mocking Jim Ross After Colon Surgery

http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1dzb4_rip-jim-ross_fun Jim Ross, the beloved former WWE announcer, needed colon surgery in October 2005. It wasn't cancerous, but he needed to have the surgery and WWE granted him time off to deal with it. You would think something like that would just happen without WWE even mentioning it because he was storyline fired at the time, so why even bring it up right? Oh no, not Vince McMahon. He had to make a big deal out of it. McMahon filmed a segment where he was "Dr. Hiney" and he had a big breasted nurse named "Nurse Slobberknockers" with him, which was a knock off of JR's slobberknocker name. A former WWE writer has since said that the woman was a stripper, so apparently WWE went all out on expenses with this segment. All we could see during this segment was a black cowboy hat on a patient's table while Dr. Hiney was there to perform the surgery on the ass. It was some of the worst television in WWE history as McMahon made all kinds of ass jokes, had farting noises playing throughout and also some famous Jim Ross catchphrases. They yanked out things like a prosthetic hand, an Oklahoma football helmet and a Stone Cold water bottle among other things. McMahon also yanked out JR's own head saying that the problem with JR was that he had his own head shoved up his ass. The segment lasted seven minutes and was completely unnecessary. As mentioned, Ross was storyline fired. Why even mention that he had surgery, much less do a comedy sketch where they made fun of him for it? It was ridiculous. When Vince McMahon tore both of his quads earlier in 2005 did people make fun of him on television? Of course not.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.