10 Disturbing WCW Nitro Moments You Totally Don't Remember

2. David Flair Tries To Get Stacy Keibler's Blood (9 October 2000)

David Flair Stacy Keibler
WWE Network

OK, so the final line in that previous entry was little more than dodgy set-up for David Flair's on screen fling with Stacy Keibler in the summer of 2000.

At first, it seemed Stacy might rescue David from his mentally unstable hell alongside Daffney and Crowbar. Then, in a move so typically WCW, Keibler fell pregnant and attention turned to who the father was. Was it Flair Jr? No. Was it Buff Bagwell? Maybe, but David had to find out for sure.

So, on the 9 October Nitro, he accosted Stacy in-ring and tried to jam a needle into her arm. Meanwhile, loudmouth colour man Mark Madden assured Flair that taking blood from Keibler wouldn't prove a thing. "We already know she's the mother, Einstein", he said, before scampering from the ring.

Crowbar, dressed in 1970s gear (it's a long story), interrupted proceedings to try and calm David. When that didn't work, Flair again tried to force plasma from Stacy's veins. This all happened in front of a bemused Australian audience who must've wished the WWF had come down under instead.

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Ric Flair
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