10 Disturbing WCW Nitro Moments You Totally Don't Remember

4. Ric Flair In The 'Mental Hospital' (26 April 1999)

Ric Flair Mental Hospital WCW
WWE Network

Look up the definition of 'disturbing' in the (wrestling) dictionary and you'll likely see 'Nature Boy' Ric Flair dancing with the boys in the local "Mental Hospital". Yes, they actually called it that on television when they could easily have called it a 'Psychiatric Facility' or something; this writer isn't easily offended, but come on.

There's more awareness and appreciation for mental illness these days, and that only makes this skit harder to watch.

The cast of characters was stereotypical stuff. There was the creepy old man leering at nurses (no, not Flair, although he did his fair share of leering), the guy with food all over his face and a Ric super-fan who acted like a child around his hero. All were disappointed when the nurse said they couldn't watch that evening's Nitro.

Ric, who had been committed to the asylum by Roddy Piper the week before, was having none of it. He entered the room in his wrestling gear, danced around with his fellow patients and hit on the staff in one of WCW's most outrageous visuals.

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Ric Flair
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.