10 Disturbing WWE Beatdowns That Are Hard To Watch

2. Shane McMahon Takes Way Too Many Suplexes Into Glass

It had been established many times over prior to King of the Ring 2001 that Shane-O-Mac was something of an adrenaline junkie. He'd already leapt off the top of a cage, performed flying elbow drops through the announce table, and fallen off the TitanTron. Twice. But he had never proven his spirit and almost inhuman tolerance for pain like this before. Watching Kurt Angle try and fail - multiple times - to put Shane's body through the panes of glass with belly-to-belly suplexes is like watching your uncle, who's definitely not a capable electrician (but definitely has electrocuted himself several times in the past), try to fix the shoddy wiring in the basement. It's a bad, bad thing that's happening, but hey, maybe it will work this time. And it does...kind of. The first suplex fails, leaving Shane to fall directly on his head. Kurt immediately gives that look to the ref like he's just killed a man and now has to plan his defence for the courtroom. But never one to back away from hurling a probably-dead human being through a plate of glass, he tries it again. And the glass breaks this time! Unfortunately, Shane was so brain damaged from the first suplex that he tells Kurt to continue on with the spot, which involves him going through another plate of glass. Which also fails to break the first time around. So that's twice that Shane's head smacks into the concrete because apparently these glass walls were built by Wile E. Coyote. If watching this doesn't send shivers down your spine, you're probably experiencing sympathy paralysis along with Shane. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HB4qOI7xxn0

Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.