10 Dream Opponents For CM Punk In WWE

5. LA Knight

WWE WrestleMania 40 XL CM Punk Seth Rollins

You might be spotting a trend with some of the picks here. Many of them obsess over what it'd be like to see Punk war with WWE stars over the mic, but that's because the dude writing this firmly believes talking is the man's main strength in 2023.

Naturally, he can still work, but verbal spats would go down a treat on Raw and SmackDown. Right now, few are better-prepared to battle on the mic than LA Knight. That's really why he's on the list. Also, recent reports suggest WWE plan to tie LA down to a longer deal, so it'd make sense if they strapped a rocket to him ASAP.

A win over Punk could do wonders for Knight.

He'd delight in tossing out shoot-style comments about CM's recent plight in AEW (without naming "that p*ssant company", of course) and lining up PLE matches that way. Using Punk's legacy star power to help elevate others wouldn't be a bad plan.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.