10 Dream Wrestling Matches That Only Happened Once

5. Velveteen Dream vs Aleister Black

CM Punk Eddit Guerrero

For all its great qualities, Black and Gold era NXT was occasionally prone to replaying matches to death, with the likes of Gargano/Ciampa and Cole/O’Reilly going past their sell-by date.

They showed impressive restraint in never re-running Velveteen Dream vs Aleister Black. It was 2017’s rivalry of the year, their sole match at TakeOver: WarGames one of the best the company put on at the time - perhaps they knew it was unlikely to be topped.

The build was delightfully daft, with the brash, gobby Dream demanding to be acknowledged by the taciturn, spooky Black. Dream, relatively new to the company, throws out all of his flashy but old school offence while attempting to rile the Dutchman into acknowledging him. Ultimately, Black puts his opponent away decisively with the heel kick, but in a nice touch, gives his fallen foe what he wants by saying his name post-match.

Sadly the WWE story of Dream and Black ended in, respectively, murky behaviour and a bizarre release respectively, but in their sole one on one match, they left a killer legacy.


Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)