10 Dream WWF vs WCW Matches We All Had In The 90s

3. The Rock vs. Ric Flair

If you€™re looking for a dream match that would have been the complete package in terms of promos, build-up and performance, then one of the top choices has to be Rock versus Ric Flair, circa 1998-99. Rocky was on the upswing, rising from a bland babyface to leader of the Nation and developing into the badass who was golden on the mic. And while Flair was past his prime (turning 50 in €™99), he still could deliver when called upon. Fans got a taste of what a battle between the Nature Boy and the Great One would have looked like at WrestleMania XX, when the Rock and Sock Connection squared off against three-quarters of Evolution. While the basis for the match was a Mick Foley-Randy Orton feud, Rock and Flair stole the show during promos and the match itself, with Rocky mock-strutting around the ring and Flair attempting a €œNature Boy Elbow.€ http://youtu.be/E2jhsj9LQVo?t=18m48s Given how incredible their short time in the ring together in 2004 was, it makes it even more tragic that they couldn€™t feud five years earlier, when Flair had a bit more spring in his step and Rock was still a rising star. That feud would have packed houses just to hear their verbal sparring €“ a match would have been icing on the cake.

Scott is a former journalist and longtime wrestling fan who was smart enough to abandon WCW during the Monday Night Wars the same time as the Radicalz. He fortunately became a fan in time for WrestleMania III and came back as a fan after a long high school hiatus before WM XIV. Monday nights in the Carlson household are reserved for viewing Raw -- for better or worse.