10 DUMB WWE Face Turns (We Didn't Want To Admit Were GENIUS!)

1. Too Cool (1999)

Brock Lesnar Austin Theory

There was no chance the trio pictured above could fly (today) as a face act, right? Scott Taylor and Brian Christopher had been aloof tag-team Too Much, but then Vince Russo had the bright idea to turn them into Scotty 2 Hotty and Grandmaster Sexay respectively. Surely this would bomb?! Nope. It worked.

Thong-wearing heavyweight Rikishi was sprinkled on top to add garnish to the redubbed Too Cool, and they were off to the races. Originally, the group was supposed to be a mortifying send up of the legit cool Hardy Boyz unit, but fans liked the OTT vibes and dad dancing. Suddenly, Too Cool were one of the biggest babyface acts in the company.

By mid-2000, these guys were on top of the world.

Acknowledging how ridiculous names like Hotty and Sexay were was part of the genius. People were ready to embrace painfully-90s, Vanilla Ice-esque hip hop turned up to 11 as the self-aware silliness it was. Rikishi was the proverbial cherry on top too.

Scenes, people. Scenes.

What other babyface turns seemed silly but proved to be inspired? For more WWE, check out 10 DUMB WWE Heel Turns (We Didn't Want To Admit Were GENIUS!) and 10 Times You Didn't Realise Wrestlers Were Saying 'Goodbye'


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.